FHTC Calculator is a free version calculator and can be used via offline. It is easy to use and suitable for all ages. FHTC Calculator is one of the special calculators that provides two versions of calculator; voice calculator and manual calculator. Voice calculator can perform basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Manual calculator can perform calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponent and percentage.Main features:● A clear display format and easy to read.● An intuitive and attractive design that facilitates simple mathematical functions.● Users can use the backspace key to correct a simple mistake.Instruction to use:● Firstly, click the Start button. ● Next, users can choose whether to use Voice calculator or Manual calculator.● If the users choose Voice calculator, they need to click the speaker icon to verbally communicate the calculation that they wish to perform. The result will be displayed on the screen and also verbally.● If the users choose Manual calculator, they can insert any number and operator to perform the calculation. The result will be displayed on the screen.Download now! Thank you for supporting us. If you have any suggestions, complaints, or cool ideas, feel free to share them and contact us at
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